Sunday, March 1, 2009

Video, School, Work, Recording, etc

The video is complete. It is 26 minutes long, and that download is 115 MB. Just so you know. Let me know if you'd rather have a DVD. I thought I did a good job with it. I even layered music with the voiceovers that Kenny did for me... and I synched in little video clips, too. :)

Recording went well. We got all the drums and bass tracks for all the songs finished. We're going to get a rough mixdown now and then the engineer is going to work some magic. We're finished recording for now while the engineer makes adjustments.

I just have a couple things left for this class to do and then I am done. One of those things includes subjecting people to my video. And then another class starts up a few days later.

As for work, I have two web sites that I need to work on on Saturday, at least for a while, as this video has sucked up most of my time.

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