Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fine Fools

I was writing again, and wrote a new song. I've titled it "Fine Fools." It's a funny story about the title: I was sitting the car outside a gas station, and looked to my right at a nearby bar. On the wall of the bar was this neon sign that was supposed to read "fine foods," but part of the "D" was out, so it read, "Fine Fools." I had to go with that.

The choruses - I think - are really catchy. Kenny hates it already. I showed it to him, and he said it was "too pop-py." I see it as a commentary on people knowing things are screwed up but don't do anything about it. Will show it to the band at the next practice.

Five Years

So, I guess I have been writing this blog for five years as of the 12th. Heh. Pretty cool.

I was beseiged by phone calls today, mostly work. Classes started again today. I began my fifth course in the master's program, but, at least, this class looks like it will be fun. We're going to watch James Burke, after all! That makes everything better.