Monday, February 26, 2007

Another Long Weekend

I'm pretty tired and will be taking a long nap here in a few minutes, but here's a recap of my weekend: I spent Friday at my Mom and Dad's, and one of my Dad's friends came over. And then my Dad's best friend came over. I went home at about 10PM and watched a movie called Idiocracy which was pretty funny. Afterward, I checked my e-mail and had finally received the e-mail from my contact for the new project. I printed out the info so that I could do a quote for them, and then I did the quote, printed out contracts, and did some additional work for the project. I went to bed at about 6:30 Saturday morning.

I got up at 10 AM Saturday and went to the studio. Except we got stuck in the driveway and we were late. The drummer was already there when we got there, but the bassist was no where to be seen. We set up and recorded anyway, just getting the drum tracks, and "scratch" vocals and guitar. After that, me and Kenny went and got lunch and then went to this coffeehouse to meet with the investors in this new project.

So, I went to bed at about 2 AM and got up Sunday at about 11 AM. Then me and Kenny went up to the Legion in Cusick with my aunt and uncle. Me and my aunt played gin and made fun of the country music and then played pool. And now I am home, sleepy and ready to go to bed. I did write some in Devil's Handiwork. Here is some of the best stuff:

I should have known that something was up when two guys in suits came into
the Dew Drop Inn. I wasn’t certain, but I didn’t think that anyone in this area
even knew what a suit was, much less where to buy one. No, overalls and flannel
haute couture of the Southern Oregon farmers that populated this area.

I definitely should have known that something was wrong when one of them
put a quarter in the jukebox and Mick Jagger started pouring through the
speakers. All the Good Old Boys turned to look at the newcomers, their
displeasure of Hank Williams’ usurpation as the jukebox king evident in their
frowning expressions.

Comments on this, anyone?

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