Friday, August 4, 2006

'Tis Me, Again

The show I whined and blogged about... well, it's back on... sort of. The owner called me back the very next day and asked us to play. After Kenny went down there and picked up all our equipment. So, Kenny agreed to play there for $250, even though we all wanted $350. Grr. Well, anyway.

I re-did my personal site, and I re-did my book site. I am contemplating the band's site, now. Not sure what to do with it, but I want it to look professional, and I want it to pop. Still, I've been looking around, and getting something to look really good when compared to most bands is totally do-able. Most band sites suck. And most author's sites suck, too. In fact, in general, most web sites suck ass.

Okay, I'm off to get some pudding.

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