Thursday, May 4, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me

Last year on this date, I was listening to Dire Straits' "Lady Writer" and waxing poetic about the goals I wanted to reach between 05/04/05 and 05/04/06. I wanted to get my book published. That happened. I wanted to get the CD done. That almost happened (and will happen within the next two weeks or so). I wanted to graduate. That will happen in ten days. I wanted my business to take off. That one's negligable. With that in mind, my goals to accomplish between 05/04/06 and 05/04/07:

Write the sequel to Night Cries, A Night Borrowed
Write another book about something else.
Start working on the two non-fiction projects I have simmering in my head.
Write material for the second CD.
Sell at least 500 more copies of Night Cries
Sell out every copy of the band's record, "Too Much To Dream."
Get at least 5 new clients for my business.
Add some new services to my business.
Buy a house and a little property.
Fix up my car.

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