So far today, I've taken a shower, almost finished my Christmas cards, and decided to do something stupid.
Yes, indeed: I've decided to return to school for my Master's degree. I need to do some research very quickly if I am to get started by the Spring Semester at Gonzaga... I originally thought about law school and becoming a lawyer, but that would require me to go to classes at least two or three days a week.
Go for the law degree, I hear those jokers make bookoo cash. Don't go innto tax law though because Huckleberry is gonna abolish the IRS when he becomes the Baptist Pope ruler of the America. I hope you had a great New Year!
Hope you had a great New Year, too. And thanks for the comment. Of course, since this particular blog is heavily edited because I am being watched by certain entities whom I cannot name at the moment, the full story is not here. No, I am not as boring and inarticulate as this edited blog makes me appear.
I'm rambling. Thanks again for the comment!
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