And I haven't had the time, either. Between work and school and trying to stay on a day schedule, I've been focusing on other things besides updating this blog.
My body HATES being on a day schedule. It hates it SOOOO much that it wants to make me fall asleep in the middle of the afternoon or in the early evening just so that I will be awake around 2AM. It sucks. And even when I fight off the sleepy spells, I find that I am not tired by the time 11:30PM-midnight rolls around. My body REALLY wants to be on a night schedule.
And the sleep I get when I force myself to go to bed at 11PM-midnight is fitful at best, with lots of short, disturbing dreams that I can't remember (save for the disturbing feeling) once I'm awake.
And my heartburn is worse than ever. I feel like I am eating Rolaids every fifteen minutes, and, if I don't, this surge of burning acid causes pain from my collarbone to my pubic bone, and makes me feel like my throat might catch on fire any minute. Blech.
Anyway, I caught up in my school work over this last weekend. This morning, I woke up at 4AM and went about loading the dishwasher, starting a fire, and then worked on the database for the last 6 hours. I have to put together a CSS layout for the LA lawyer I am working for, since I already received and cashed his check. Tomorrow, more of the same.