So, a few weeks ago, I responded to a Craigslist posting for a band for a wedding. I sent them a complete set list and links to cover song demos. They replied that they wanted to come hear us play live. I replied that the bars weren't paying that well, so we have been doing weddings, but that I couldn't just invite them to someone else's wedding reception. So, I told them they could come hear us at a practice. A week or so goes by, and I don't hear back from them. I figure that they weren't interested in coming over or something and wrote it off.
Then, on July 3rd, the lady writes back asking when we're practicing so she can come hear us play. I tell her that the drummer is out of the area for one weekend and we're playing another wedding the next, so the 19th (today) is the next practice. She writes back later that day that they are coming.
Over the course of the last two weeks, I have tried to confirm this with her. No replies. Yesterday, I wrote again to confirm. Finally got a reply at 1 PM today that they've hired another band.
My question is: WHEN did she hire another band? Because, unless it was at 12:30 PM TODAY, she should have called or e-mailed THAT DAY, not waited until two hours before they were supposed to show up!!! I mean, the fact that they hired another band is not the deal here: it's the lack of consideration for my time, but not e-mailing or calling me and letting me know they've hired someone else and are not coming.
* means pain in the ass