I seriously didn't do anything constructive today. I spent last night working on a laptop. It was having "drive errors," and we decided to wipe the drive - which was running Windows 98 - and install Windows ME. Would've worked fine, too, but when I went to do it, the machine went into this mode of saying "Trying to recover allocation unit." This statement was followed by a number that changed about once every five minutes or so. This, on an 11GB drive.
So, anyway, I started practicing the songs again. I still don't know what I am going to do about it, but I'll keep practicing anyway. Then, I took a shower and then went to check my e-mail. I am doing my Internet things for the evening when suddenly, the power goes out for split second, shutting down my computer, obviously. I was sorta pissed, but, since the cause of the power outage was a raging thunder storm, I decided to go try to take some pictures of the lightning using my expensive new camera that I have barely used. I scanned the booklet that came with it about shutter speeds, and snapped some pictures... of a black sky. Never could seem to get the timing right. Oh, well. Then, I watched some TV about "green" living and now I am on the computer again since the storm has passed. I have a teeny bit of work to do, so I might as well go do it.
Tomorrow I have to take some posters to the Logger's Bar for our show on July 27th, and then we have band practice. I am still expecting a check from the Canadian client. I have not heard from the cover-demo recording guy in regards to his web site. I have no other work. I can't seem to buy a job. And I need money to finish paying for this demo thing....