Friday, May 18, 2007

So, So, So, So BUSY!

Well, I got a new car. Kenny brought it home to me tonight. It needs a tune-up and an adjustment in the steering coupler, but, outside of that, she's cherry. It's a black 1971 Ford LTD with a 429. It's lovely. I'm so, so, so happy with it!

We're also moving into the house. Kenny's boss REEEEAAAAALLLLY wanted us to move in there, so, it appears as though we'll be moving in next Saturday and Sunday. I will be packing things up most of the week coming up, and I also have to find time to go over to the new place and spray for spiders. I am applying for another job. The Priest River Times is looking for a reporter. It is pretty much the same job as the Kellogg paper wanted me for, but it is here in Priest River, which is cool. The Sheriff's office is just dicking around too long. Anyway, I was going to print out a resume tonight, but I couldn't. I lent Mom my printer this afternoon to make copies of her VBS stuff, and she still has it. So, I will have to get Kenny to print a copy and I will go get it tomorrow and take it to the paper.

Graded all the kids' school books today. Did almost nothing else. I did do some writing in Devil's Handiwork, though. Here is the best stuff from tonight:

I ran my hands up his pants legs against his skin, removing various
weaponry and sundry items from his clothes as I went. "About the only reason the
Council would be worried enough not to tell you about their targets or
assignments was if it had to do with money," I said, pressing my hand into his
crotch. "Is that a transmitter, or are you just happy to see me?" I asked,
clasping my hand around the locator he'd hidden in his undershorts.

"Old, dumb line, Shelby. You can do better."

"So could you," I said. "You put this damned thing in the exact same place
you did when we were together."

He leaned forward a little. "When we were together and you unzipped my
pants, it wasn't to get at my locator."

I pushed my hand down to the chair's seat, pinching a delicate bit of his
skin between my hand and the metal seat. He gasped. "Yeah," I said. "At least I
found what I was looking for, this time."

"Ouch, Shelby."

"What?" I tossed the locator on the floor at my feet and smashed it under
my boot heel.

"Just ouch."

I grabbed my backpack and shoved Billy's gun inside. "Well, when
Brick-Noggin and Sunglasses find you, you three can go back to the Council and
tell them to kiss my ass, won't you?"

Tomorrow, like I said, I am getting a resume to the Priest River Times, and then I am going shopping with Mom. Kenny is taking the kids over to the elementary school tomorrow evening to sign the boys up for Pop Warner football and sign Cait up to be a cheerleader. Saturday, I might be going to Spokane to work with the producer. Depends on his schedule. I might also be packing and/or fumigating the new place. Who knows? Sunday might be free (again, who knows?); looks like packing and moving shit the rest of the week. Won't likely be practicing as a band again until a week from next Tuesday.