Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Where Did The Monkey Come From?

So, I started work on at a "publishing house." Sort of. It's actually a distribution center for a "publishing company," but it's really not that, either. You know those old-timey snake oil salesmen who would wander from town to town hawking the latest miracle cure-all? This is something like that.

This guy that I am working for... well, I have never met him. The gals in the office are very nice and quite professional. Unfortunately, I cannot get over the fact that this guy's a shyster. He has written books (and, apparently, self-published them) about how the government is using vaccines and immunizations as a form of population control. He claims that the people that make the vaccines and immunizations are running the vaccines through cows, cats, and chickens -- picking up these animal's DNA along the way -- for the supposed immunities that these animals carry. He says, once these vaccines and immunizations enter your child's bloodstream, the damage begins, and the DNA from the animals begins to screw with your child's DNA. Further, the vaccines and immunizations are also heavily dosed with mercury, so, basically, you're signing your child's death warrant if you get him or her immunized.


No kidding... I heard this conversation the other day:

CALLER: I heard that the polio vaccine is bad because you could catch polio if you get it.
OFFICE PERSON: Yes, that's true. The polio vaccine is particularly unsafe.
CALLER: Why is that?
OFFICE PERSON: Because the polio vaccine still has LIVE bacteria in it.

WELL NO DUH! If it DIDN'T have live bacteria in it YOU WOULDN'T BECOME IMMUNE TO POLIO! That's the way ALL vaccines work.

It's baffling to me that these people actually buy into this stuff. They are preying on the fears of the world's populace to make money. Because, you know, it's just lucky for all of us that this guy came around and revealed all of this to us, because HE HAS THE CURE! Yes, that's right! He has the cure for just about everything. The main seller seems to be this one product that, apparently, sends little shocks of electricity (although, they call it "vibrations") into a person through electrodes on the hands and feet. Simply set it to the right frequency and you can be cured of AIDS, Alzheimers, cancer, and MORE! All of this for only $1,800!!!!

Doesn't it make you just want to pull out your pocket book?!??! Anyway... the dedication page of his new book reads: "Dedicated to securing life for threatened Earth. May this work awaken the "100th Monkey" to the energy that activates DNA to direct divine destinies."