I am tired. I went to bed at about 4:30 AM, but couldn't sleep. I laid in bed, awake, until after 7 AM. Then, Dad came over and woke me up at 10:30AM. I don't really mind so much, but I am tired, and that makes me nauseous. I might go take a nap; I am supposed to have company tonight.
Yesterday, we pretty much got the book project wrapped up, and I talked to my lawyer client in LA about his site, which I am supposed to finish up by tomorrow.
I got my tax stuff put together, and I wrote a new song yesterday. It's actually pretty good, but I don't think that it will make the record. It's called "Discontent," and is a blues song that would - mostly - be a guitar instrumental. It plays off of Richard III's famous soliloquy by Shakespeare. If this gets recorded, it will probably be for the next record, along with "Fine Fools," "Troubles," and a few other new ones I have written here recently. Unfortunately, many of them sound the same, so I may have to re-work them and make one or two songs out of the lot.