I've been both domestic and hard-working today. I started working on the That Bytes web design. I dealt with a client all day. And then, I made baked Mac & Cheese. From scratch. Here's my recipe, which I made up myself:
Boil pasta until al dente.
In large sauce pan, combine 2 cups milk with 1 egg. Blend with a whisk. Over medium heat, stir in 1/2 cup of flour. Whisk until very warm but not boiling. You can vary the cheeses, but I used bags of pre-shredded cheese, including: colby & monterey jack, pizza blend (cheddar, mozzerella, colby, swiss, and jack), and mozzerella cheese. Add cheese to warmed milk mixture by fingerfuls. Continue stirring. Total amount of cheese added should be about 2 cups, plus or minus to taste. When cheese is fully melted, add sauce to drained pasta in a casserole or other baking pan. Top with more shredded cheese, crushed crackers, and parmesan. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour or until cheese is browning and bubbly on top. Remove from oven and allow to rest for 15 minutes. Serves about 6 people.
I'm so, so domestic.
Went into the studio yesterday and recorded scratch vocals and scratch guitar tracks. I did really really well, and, yes, I got a CD of what I did to practice harmony parts. But I am not showing that off yet. Soon.