Sunday, July 1, 2007

Wild Weekend

I had quite a weekend. I got up Friday morning and went shopping with Mom while the Twins stayed here with the kids.

Got back out to Mom and Dad's and Dad was home from work. By the time we left, a huge thunderstorm was brewing overhead. Within a mile down the road, we went from bright sunshine to pounding rain and howling winds... winds that were maybe 60 MPH at times. As I drove down the Shingle Mill Hill, the wind pushed trees to the ground all around us; I had to swerve and drive off the road a couple of times to avoid the debris. Five miles later, as we were just entering Priest River, the storm stopped. The power was out, and branches and trees were down everywhere. I got home, and the power was out here, too. I had just spent $300 on groceries, and I was pretty pissed that they might go bad because I didn't have refrigeration. But, I got all the groceries put away, and then got a call to go play a show at Stateline Tavern in Oldtown... just me an Kenny, acoustically.

So, I got ready (in the dark, no less) and went to the bar where Kenny was setting stuff up. The power came back on just as Dad and I got there. We finished setting up and started playing. The people were really responsive, and we had a great show. We performed really, really well, and had a blast. The bartender told us that she made more than double what she usually makes on Friday nights with karaoke, and that the owner might make me and Kenny's duo thing a regular thing on Fridays. She said she'd know more Monday after she talked with the owner. After the show, I drove my aunt and uncle home, and then drove my Dad home. As we went through Priest River, it was like driving through the remnants of a city after the apocalypse. There wasn't any power anywhere. There were no cars on the streets. It was completely black and empty. It was a little scary, to be honest. Especially thinking about the state of this country's energy dependancy... and the whole global warming thing... and how much we rely on our power and electricity... what if it was gone? This is what it would be like all the time.... Very scary stuff.

So, I came home, ate some cookies, and went to bed. I don't know what time it was when I went to sleep, but I got up at about 9 AM Saturday and made coffee, got cleaned up, drank some coffee, and made chocolate chip cookies for an friend. Then, I went and picked out my "formal" outfit for the show Saturday night. I went and fixed my hair all up in a cute upswept style with cascading curls, and then did my make-up and went to get dressed. Two people had to help me get into the get up. It was a black damask/brocade kinda dress that went to my knees and is very low cut. And very tight around the rib cage. But it accentuated all the right things, and hid all the bad things, and I looked AMAZING. We got everything loaded and to the show site and started setting up.

We sounded awesome and totally rocked. We got asked back for another show on August 11th. But it was BUTT-ASS COLD out there once the sun set. Sheesh! I haven't been that cold in a LONG time. I couldn't feel my thumb on my right hand at all, and, by the end of the night, the ends of my fingers on my left hand were very, very sore just from pressing on cold metal strings in the cold. And the location of the Dumpster out back in relation to the band stand and the wind coming from a certain direction made for some rather unpleasant breathing experiences.

After the show, we all came back to my house and unloaded equipment and I fed everybody, and we all sat around and talked for an hour or so. Dad drove himself home after eating and sobering up a little bit. He called me when he got home to let me know he'd made it home safe. I almost fell asleep in the recliner, but managed to make it to bed - fully dressed - and was asleep almost before my head hit the pillow.

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