Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Busy Me

Today, I cleaned my house some more and then went out and drank rum and played cards.

Tuesday, I have to go to the cellular phone store and change my cell phone number and add Kenny to my cell phone plan. Then, I have to go to Coeur d'Alene for my last class!! Yay me!

Wednesday, I am cleaning and re-arranging the house in preparation for the party. I also have band practice that night.

Thursday is my birthday, and the day's pretty much up in the air. I do know that I am doing the second episode of my podcast.

Friday is the party.

Saturday, I am going out with my aunt and uncle.

Sunday looks like the only day I'll have to finish up the last class I have in school... online.

Next Monday, it's more of the same again until the 14th, when there is graduation, which is an event that I am not too hip on attending, but that my Mom REEEEEEAAAALLLLLLY wants me to go to.

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