It was a pretty nice birthday. When I logged on, at exactly 1:10 AM, "Lady Writer" by Dire Straits came on my Internet radio station. Perfect. I love it. Why?
By my next birthday, I want to have accomplished something. As many of you who read this know, I fancy myself a writer. I wrote this book that is coming out in September. I want this book to be something special. I don't even pretend or fantasize that it will be super successful, but I believe that it could speak to a few people, anyway. Maybe this will be my accomplishment.
I'm also in this band, and we're maybe going on tour (if everything works out the way I want it to), and we're recording an album of songs that I wrote. Maybe this will be my accomplishment.
I also run my own business, which I have given the tagline, "Internet Marketing for the Rest of Us." That simply means that I am targeting small and home-based businesses for Internet Marketing services (like search engine optimization and marketing campaigns) that those businesses wouldn't, otherwise, be able to afford. Maybe that will be my accomplishment.
I am also going to college full-time. This fall, I will begin my final semester of my Baccalaureate studies, and get my Bachelor's degree in Interdisciplinary Studies in Communications and English. I know I will, at least, accomplish this.
But no matter which takes off, I will detail my journey and travels toward accomplishing something big. I will detail every peak I reach, every pitfall, and every other thing I discover along the way.
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