Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Haven't Had Much To Say...

And I haven't had the time, either. Between work and school and trying to stay on a day schedule, I've been focusing on other things besides updating this blog.

My body HATES being on a day schedule. It hates it SOOOO much that it wants to make me fall asleep in the middle of the afternoon or in the early evening just so that I will be awake around 2AM. It sucks. And even when I fight off the sleepy spells, I find that I am not tired by the time 11:30PM-midnight rolls around. My body REALLY wants to be on a night schedule.

And the sleep I get when I force myself to go to bed at 11PM-midnight is fitful at best, with lots of short, disturbing dreams that I can't remember (save for the disturbing feeling) once I'm awake.

And my heartburn is worse than ever. I feel like I am eating Rolaids every fifteen minutes, and, if I don't, this surge of burning acid causes pain from my collarbone to my pubic bone, and makes me feel like my throat might catch on fire any minute. Blech.

Anyway, I caught up in my school work over this last weekend. This morning, I woke up at 4AM and went about loading the dishwasher, starting a fire, and then worked on the database for the last 6 hours. I have to put together a CSS layout for the LA lawyer I am working for, since I already received and cashed his check. Tomorrow, more of the same.

Friday, November 14, 2008

My Hands Hurt...

...from copying and pasting options and code into the eCommerce database. These cymbal sections are driving me bonkers. Teeny-tiny, little-bitty differences... most of it, I have no idea what it is... made one item have more than 50 SKUs because of all the different sizes and options. Yeesh.

I e-mailed my academic advisor yesterday, and got a call from some dude today who is NOT my academic advisor. He tells me that which I already know and informs me that he is my new contact for my degree, and then doesn't have any answers to my questions about thesis option versus project option for my capstone course.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Been Awake A While...

I got most of the options entered into the database, did readings for school this week, got some more items entered into the database, and watched a TV program on the network web site 'cause I couldn't watch it or tape it. All this activity ended at 6:30 this morning.

So, I haven't slept. Well, I did take an hour nap this afternoon, but got up when Dad came over. He brought me my mail and we talked about politics and religion and the band and such. Since then, I have watched a TV show with Kenny and finished most of my postings for the week in school. I also e-mailed my advisor since the telephone numbers for such people are National Secrets OMG.

My friend, David, offered to help me gather images for the eCommerce site, but, in the end, he was unable to help. It turns out that the PDF files online are really crappy, although they do have some hi-res pictures available that could be edited, but I would have to cross-reference with the catalogue unless I can find a way to download all the images at once. But that would still mean sorting through everything. I'm going to look into it as it would save me lots of time in the scanning of the catalogue pages, cropping images, and then re-sizing and saving them.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Kenny went and got me an awesome new fridge!! It wasn't the one I wanted, but it is much nicer than the one I had, with an actual freezer, and room in the door for a gallon of milk, and THE LIGHT COMES ON!!! OMG!!!Anyway, all work, no play, that was my day for today.
I worked a LOT today. Put in almost another 100 items. My leg hurts from sitting on it.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I put in about 100 items into the eCommerce database tonight, and did some school work, though not much of the latter. I am just not feeling this class. Somehow, I always get put in the groups that don't say much. The group I am in has just over 30 posts total, so there's not much to reply to. The other group is nearing 200 posts in a week and half. Blech. I am not sure whether I should feel happy that I am the most talkative (and verbose and tangential) in my group or sad that I can't hide away amid the chatter in the more talkative group.

Still no fridge. I am considering going on a Housework Strike.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Busy Me... Still

have to read two chapters in my textbooks tonight (maybe not... might be able to skim... we'll see), post some crap on the class forum, and then work, work, work. I have ideas for two songs, but haven't had the time to explore them.

Back to work with me.


The show went well, even though we were late. We made up for it by playing later than scheduled. Dad stayed over at my place last night and Mom came and picked him up today. I was super tired today. I went to bed at about 2:30-ish, I think, and got up at 9:30 AM, but I was so tired I fell asleep at about 1:30 PM and napped until about 4:30. I still feel tired.

The pellet stove blew some kind of microchip, so it is not working at the moment. Oddly enough, I am actually overheated right now. Go figure.

Life is lonely here. I have tons to do, but nobody talks to me.

I want to buy a new refigerator. The one I have is probably as old as my Dad, and I am sick and tired of having to defrost it. I am probably not going to get a new one, though, 'cause I can't haul it and no one will get it for me. So, I will probably defrost this one that I have tomorrow. It's not like I have anything else to do.

Except that I do. I have to post replies to the school forum for my class, I have two chapters to read for that class and a 6-page paper due on the 9th. I have to finish that eCommerce site ASAP, and then, I have tons of regular work to do. Oh, well.

Anyway, my feet still hurt from playing. More later.