So, on this, my first day of regular posting, I am faced with a major problem. I suppose that this ought to be a learning experience, but, honestly, I am just really ticked off.
I'm getting married again at the end of the month, and I was trying to print out the text of the wedding invitations over the weekend. Everything was going smoothly as I printed off a mock-up of the text, and I even printed out a stencil I was going to use later in the process.
Unfortunately, as I went to print the finished product, I got an error on my computer that said that the ink cartridge was the wrong one for the printer... you know, the same ink cartridge it's been printing on for weeks... the same one that the printer had JUST PRINTED WITH!!!
So, I dinked around with the printer for over an hour, taking out the print cartridges, putting them back in, unplugging the printer from power, unplugging the printer from the computer, doing all of those things in concert... and.... nothing worked.
So, I gave up for the night. Sunday morning, I tried again, and, after much frou-frou and messing around with the damned thing, I finally got that error message to go away. But would the damned thing print? Oh, hell no.
No, now, it told me that there was no printer installed. Even though the computer had the printer set as the default printer, and even though no settings had changed, it refused to print, and INSISTED that there was no printer installed.
So, I went to the manufacturer's website and downloaded the drivers again (as my CD with the damned drivers was no where to be found... okay, well, I found the Mac disk, but could not find the Windows disk anywhere) and re-installed the drivers and tried to print again.
NOPE! Printer is still not installed, insisted the computer. So, I went and searched online for more possible solutions. While perusing the help database of the manufacturer's web site (and while my dear fiancee went and borrowed another printer to see if the printer itself was the problem), an ad popped up, and the next thing I know, I am being re-directed to another site, My computer then informed me that the computer might be at risk and vulnerable, and that I should click an official-looking balloon to find out if that was so.
I shut down the computer, hoping to avoid the hostageware from downloading to my computer. Reboot and... every web page I went to re-directed the browser to some spam site. Obviously, I had not booted down quickly enough.
I decided that I needed to do a system restore and see if that fixed both the hostageware and the printer issues.
Can you guess whether it worked? I'll spare you the suspense: no, it did not.
Now, my computrer informed me that no changes had occurred to my computer within a whole week (even though I had started using a different keyboard three days ago) and that system restore did not change anything.
Sigh. Okay. Try again from an earlier date, and....
NOPE. Same message. Try again from an even earlier date.
NOPE!!! Same message. Now, you and I both know that SOME changes had to have happened at some point in the last month, but my computer kept telling me that everything was the same. So, I saved all my e-mails and new files to my external hard drive and went to reset the computer back to factory defaults.
An aside here: in early April, I renewed my subscription to Trend Micro for their PC-cillin anti-virus software. Since then, I have had to reset the damned computer once already; this would be twice now.
Unfortunately, even THAT didn't work. At the end of the process, I got an error message that the reset had failed and the computer rebooted... except that it didn't actually reboot. No, instead, I got a black screen and another error message that there was some PBR file that the computer wanted to do something with, but couldn't, and, thus, the boot had failed and my only option was to hit CTRL-ALT-DEL to reboot. When I do that, I get the same black screen and error message.
So, now, I have exhausted my knowledge of how to fix this problem, so one of my friends who knows a ton more than I do about fixing computers is going to do it. Le sigh.
In the meantime, I still don't have the wedding invitations printed.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Reinventing Myself, Reinventing The Project Blog: A Re-Introduction
On January 26, 1999, I was almost 23 years old. I had been married for just over 5 years. I had three children, ages 4, 2, and nine months. I didn't have a high school diploma. I had never held a job.
And on that date, my husband asked me for a divorce. He had fallen in love with a divorcee from North Carolina that he had met on the Internet and told me that he was going there to get her and bring her here.
Um... no.
One would think that I would have let him go then (and I definitely should have, looking back), but I didn't. Without any life experience, I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to care for my kids. So, I made my now-trustless, crappy relationship work. I got two minimum-wage jobs while he stayed home with kids, since, on the day he'd asked me for a divorce, he also quit his very good-paying job with benefits (and had no back-up plan).
Ten years later, he pulled the same crap again, except that, this time, the girl was real and had pretended to be my friend, and I was someone completely different than the scared 23-year-old with three small children.
No, 10 years later, my kids were all teenagers, I was finishing my Master's thesis, releasing my band's second CD, releasing my second novel, and I had just celebrated my 7th year as a small business owner of a thriving web design business.
I'll spare you the gory details of the divorce, but, suffice to say, my ex is a dufus. (For example - and I'm sure there will be many examples over the course of this blog - after getting the quickie divorce he wanted so he could be with the home wrecker - and not even having to pay for the divorce that I DIDN'T want - he spent the next ten months harassing, intimidating, stalking, not paying his child support, and SUING me. He sued me no fewer than six times between August 2010 and January 2011. Nice, huh?)
But, being that he was a dufus, I've learned how to survive, and I have picked up a lot of information and skills along the way.
But the question really is: who am I?
For half my life, my identity has been intertwined with my marriage, essentially fixing his screw-ups (which, I am sure, I will talk about from time to time), surviving, and making sure my kids were cared for. But I never did figure out who I was.
From the time I was little, I have written things, but was I really a writer? I've played music most of my life, too, but was I really a musician? I have several college degrees, but am I really a scholar? I have painted and drawn since I was a child, but am I an artist? My work for the last seven years has been in computing, but am I really all that tech-savvy?
The answers to these questions are not so much answerable at all unless I am able to answer the deeper question: who am I?
Now that I have recently been informed that the ex his marrying his home wrecker and giving her his name, the mystery of my real identity has consumed my thoughts. It feels almost as if he is giving her my identity, even though she is NOTHING like me. But, still, he stole my identity and is giving it to her, leaving me with a blank slate.
Well, not entirely blank, I suppose.
I'm still playing music with my band, playing guitar and piano, singing, still writing songs, still performing, and even learning to play the steel guitar.
I'm still writing, obviously, though I haven't been writing in my books because the stories still felt too close to my marriage, so it's been really difficult getting back into it. But I do write, and part of the reason I am re-launching this blog is to document my writing.
I do have my Master's degree in Communication and Leadership, and I have taught college level courses, and my instructors at college thought I ought to have my thesis published in competitive academic journals... something that shocked me, because I was writing my thesis while going through my divorce and I barely remember writing it. How could something I barely recall writing be good enough for academic publication? But, apparently, it is, so, I guess that I am, in ways, still an academic.
I'm still doing web sites and graphic design, and I am learning how to incorporate social marketing into my skill set, and another reason I wanted to do this blog was to practice those skills by incorporating videos and social networking into content writing, and this blog will provide me an avenue to do so. (Also, as you can tell, I am majorly long-winded, and short blog posts should tighten up my writing skill set so that I am writing more short, concise pieces for the Internet rather than novel-length posts, such as this one.)
I'm still a Mom. At 35, I'm in a new relationship, and I've just welcomed my 4th child, Shelby, into this world. I have a 16-year-old in driver's ed, a 14-year-old artist, a 13-year old car nut, and a 1-month-old in diapers. So, this ought to be challenging.
Since my kids are picky eaters, I have learned over the years how to accommodate those tastes and still have quick, easy recipes for the busy parent, so I thought that this blog would be a good place to share those recipes.
Other things that I will share with any readers that happen to pop by are writing snippets, songs that I like and/or inspire me and/or that I am listening to, quick computer tips and tricks, web design tips and tricks, what I learn about social marketing, writing tips, and my opinions about things.
My goal is to post 10 to 20 new posts every week, 1 or 2 videos every week, and at least one new recipe (with accompanying video instruction) every week. By and large, I think I just need goals in my life.
Maybe, along the way, I will figure out who I am. Since I cannot change the fact that my identity has been stolen from me, and I cannot change the fact that I am no longer the person I was a year ago when he left me for the home wrecker, I figure that, what with my impending wedding, that I may as well suck it up and figure out who I am.
And on that date, my husband asked me for a divorce. He had fallen in love with a divorcee from North Carolina that he had met on the Internet and told me that he was going there to get her and bring her here.
Um... no.
One would think that I would have let him go then (and I definitely should have, looking back), but I didn't. Without any life experience, I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to care for my kids. So, I made my now-trustless, crappy relationship work. I got two minimum-wage jobs while he stayed home with kids, since, on the day he'd asked me for a divorce, he also quit his very good-paying job with benefits (and had no back-up plan).
Ten years later, he pulled the same crap again, except that, this time, the girl was real and had pretended to be my friend, and I was someone completely different than the scared 23-year-old with three small children.
No, 10 years later, my kids were all teenagers, I was finishing my Master's thesis, releasing my band's second CD, releasing my second novel, and I had just celebrated my 7th year as a small business owner of a thriving web design business.
I'll spare you the gory details of the divorce, but, suffice to say, my ex is a dufus. (For example - and I'm sure there will be many examples over the course of this blog - after getting the quickie divorce he wanted so he could be with the home wrecker - and not even having to pay for the divorce that I DIDN'T want - he spent the next ten months harassing, intimidating, stalking, not paying his child support, and SUING me. He sued me no fewer than six times between August 2010 and January 2011. Nice, huh?)
But, being that he was a dufus, I've learned how to survive, and I have picked up a lot of information and skills along the way.
But the question really is: who am I?
For half my life, my identity has been intertwined with my marriage, essentially fixing his screw-ups (which, I am sure, I will talk about from time to time), surviving, and making sure my kids were cared for. But I never did figure out who I was.
From the time I was little, I have written things, but was I really a writer? I've played music most of my life, too, but was I really a musician? I have several college degrees, but am I really a scholar? I have painted and drawn since I was a child, but am I an artist? My work for the last seven years has been in computing, but am I really all that tech-savvy?
The answers to these questions are not so much answerable at all unless I am able to answer the deeper question: who am I?
Now that I have recently been informed that the ex his marrying his home wrecker and giving her his name, the mystery of my real identity has consumed my thoughts. It feels almost as if he is giving her my identity, even though she is NOTHING like me. But, still, he stole my identity and is giving it to her, leaving me with a blank slate.
Well, not entirely blank, I suppose.
I'm still playing music with my band, playing guitar and piano, singing, still writing songs, still performing, and even learning to play the steel guitar.
I'm still writing, obviously, though I haven't been writing in my books because the stories still felt too close to my marriage, so it's been really difficult getting back into it. But I do write, and part of the reason I am re-launching this blog is to document my writing.
I do have my Master's degree in Communication and Leadership, and I have taught college level courses, and my instructors at college thought I ought to have my thesis published in competitive academic journals... something that shocked me, because I was writing my thesis while going through my divorce and I barely remember writing it. How could something I barely recall writing be good enough for academic publication? But, apparently, it is, so, I guess that I am, in ways, still an academic.
I'm still doing web sites and graphic design, and I am learning how to incorporate social marketing into my skill set, and another reason I wanted to do this blog was to practice those skills by incorporating videos and social networking into content writing, and this blog will provide me an avenue to do so. (Also, as you can tell, I am majorly long-winded, and short blog posts should tighten up my writing skill set so that I am writing more short, concise pieces for the Internet rather than novel-length posts, such as this one.)
I'm still a Mom. At 35, I'm in a new relationship, and I've just welcomed my 4th child, Shelby, into this world. I have a 16-year-old in driver's ed, a 14-year-old artist, a 13-year old car nut, and a 1-month-old in diapers. So, this ought to be challenging.
Since my kids are picky eaters, I have learned over the years how to accommodate those tastes and still have quick, easy recipes for the busy parent, so I thought that this blog would be a good place to share those recipes.
Other things that I will share with any readers that happen to pop by are writing snippets, songs that I like and/or inspire me and/or that I am listening to, quick computer tips and tricks, web design tips and tricks, what I learn about social marketing, writing tips, and my opinions about things.
My goal is to post 10 to 20 new posts every week, 1 or 2 videos every week, and at least one new recipe (with accompanying video instruction) every week. By and large, I think I just need goals in my life.
Maybe, along the way, I will figure out who I am. Since I cannot change the fact that my identity has been stolen from me, and I cannot change the fact that I am no longer the person I was a year ago when he left me for the home wrecker, I figure that, what with my impending wedding, that I may as well suck it up and figure out who I am.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Comparison of Presidental Voting Results & Poverty
While reading the headlines on this morning, I came across this article regarding the staggering increase in people living in poverty since the recession began in late 2008. Included in the article was this map:

Okay, so, looking back and forth at the two, there did seem to be some kind of correlation... so I overlaid the poverty map onto the elections map and got this:

What does this tell me and/or anyone? You notice where the really dark sections denoting poverty are? With the exception of the poverty noted in New Mexico, the darkest sections are in solidly "Red" states. One stand out, to me, anyway, was the more than 25% poverty rate among children age 5 and younger in the state of Texas. Also notable, to me, again, anyway, is John McCain's home state of Arizona, which has put the whole "illegal immigration" thing as their #1 priority... um... maybe it ought to be the poverty rate of kids 5 and younger that is nearing 25%, as well? I know, I know. Some people would argue that it is illegal immigration and those darned immigrants that are causing the poverty rate. Uh huh. I have a bridge to sell you. It's located in Brooklyn. Look for my ad on Craigslist.
Maybe it means nothing, but I get the sneaking suspicion that conservative politics lead to conservative social programs that don't really help anyone. Not like that's some big revelation or anything, though.
And, as I looked at the map, it occured to me that the heavy areas of poverty were pretty much along the "Red State/Blue Lines" of recent presidential elections. But I wasn't sure, so I searched the web for a map of the last presidential election, and found this one on

Okay, so, looking back and forth at the two, there did seem to be some kind of correlation... so I overlaid the poverty map onto the elections map and got this:

What does this tell me and/or anyone? You notice where the really dark sections denoting poverty are? With the exception of the poverty noted in New Mexico, the darkest sections are in solidly "Red" states. One stand out, to me, anyway, was the more than 25% poverty rate among children age 5 and younger in the state of Texas. Also notable, to me, again, anyway, is John McCain's home state of Arizona, which has put the whole "illegal immigration" thing as their #1 priority... um... maybe it ought to be the poverty rate of kids 5 and younger that is nearing 25%, as well? I know, I know. Some people would argue that it is illegal immigration and those darned immigrants that are causing the poverty rate. Uh huh. I have a bridge to sell you. It's located in Brooklyn. Look for my ad on Craigslist.
Maybe it means nothing, but I get the sneaking suspicion that conservative politics lead to conservative social programs that don't really help anyone. Not like that's some big revelation or anything, though.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
The Thesis is DONE
Amid all the crap I am dealing with, I finished the thesis.
I should be proud of myself, I guess.
I should be proud of myself, I guess.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Some Good, Some Bad...
The Good:
I took a copy of the CD to a radio station in Sandpoint, and they said that they would probably have the band in and start playing it the Sunday prior to the CD release party. I hope that I hear from them before that.
This was my Dad's idea. He's been listening to KPND while at work, and noticed that they have a local music radio show on Sundays. He suggested that I send it to them and see what happens. At first, I was like, yeah, but AFTER I get the professional CDs from the replicator. And that's when Dad said that he thought I should give it to them earlier so that they might be able to help me promote the CD release party. I thought THAT was an awesome idea, so, when I went shopping up at Sandpoint yesterday (on no sleep), I stopped by there and met with the station manager. Nice lady. Named Diane. Conversation didn't last too long, but I didn't expect that. I included a press kit booklet that I had printed that morning and an invitation to the CD release party with all the pertinent info included along with the CD. I also affixed a business card to the booklet, just in case.
The Bad:
The checker at Wal-Mart was a BITCH. She was snarky and rude and I gave her a bad review on this morning.
I looked into the total costs to apply to law school. It's over $300. The application fee is $50. Some kind of required "verification service" is $121. The LSAT is $132 (but that's not until June, anyway). And then there's transcripts from the 6 colleges I've attended, totalling just over $40. Total? $343.82.
Anyway, so there's what's going on. I have to go work on my thesis now. I have about three weeks to get done, and then I can relax. I should mention that I actually got up about an hour ago; I'm not just still awake. LOL. Hopefully, I can stay on a day schedule now.
I took a copy of the CD to a radio station in Sandpoint, and they said that they would probably have the band in and start playing it the Sunday prior to the CD release party. I hope that I hear from them before that.
This was my Dad's idea. He's been listening to KPND while at work, and noticed that they have a local music radio show on Sundays. He suggested that I send it to them and see what happens. At first, I was like, yeah, but AFTER I get the professional CDs from the replicator. And that's when Dad said that he thought I should give it to them earlier so that they might be able to help me promote the CD release party. I thought THAT was an awesome idea, so, when I went shopping up at Sandpoint yesterday (on no sleep), I stopped by there and met with the station manager. Nice lady. Named Diane. Conversation didn't last too long, but I didn't expect that. I included a press kit booklet that I had printed that morning and an invitation to the CD release party with all the pertinent info included along with the CD. I also affixed a business card to the booklet, just in case.
The Bad:
The checker at Wal-Mart was a BITCH. She was snarky and rude and I gave her a bad review on this morning.
I looked into the total costs to apply to law school. It's over $300. The application fee is $50. Some kind of required "verification service" is $121. The LSAT is $132 (but that's not until June, anyway). And then there's transcripts from the 6 colleges I've attended, totalling just over $40. Total? $343.82.
Anyway, so there's what's going on. I have to go work on my thesis now. I have about three weeks to get done, and then I can relax. I should mention that I actually got up about an hour ago; I'm not just still awake. LOL. Hopefully, I can stay on a day schedule now.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I went to do the t-shirt silk screening tonight. The tutorial on the Internet looked really easy and like it would work well.
Let me just say this:
It. Did. Not. Work.
I am so glad that I used old t-shirts to test on before I got into doing the ones I bought. Now, I am PISSED I spent money on the ink and screen and glue and embroidery hoop and everything the tutorial said to get. The first shirt had splotches all over where the glue developed little holes while drying, and there was ink running off the letters, but I figured that might just be due to the fact that the brush I used was damp when I started.
So, I wiped off the screen, fixed the holes in the glue, dried out the brushes, and then went away for a while (colored my hair, took a shower, watched some TV) while the new glue dried. Looked for holes in the glue when I came back (the glue is supposed to keep the parts you don't want colored from getting colored). No holes. Used a dry brush on another shirt from the rag bag. The ink would BARELY go through the screen. Ended up only partially colored (though the lines were better without the water).
But I am not going to attempt this at all on the shirts I bought. I would probably only end up with a few decent ones. I am going to have to call a silk screening place to find out what they would charge to just do the silk screening. I even already have the ink and the shirts. Just slap on the freaking design. Grr. It better not be much.
Let me just say this:
It. Did. Not. Work.
I am so glad that I used old t-shirts to test on before I got into doing the ones I bought. Now, I am PISSED I spent money on the ink and screen and glue and embroidery hoop and everything the tutorial said to get. The first shirt had splotches all over where the glue developed little holes while drying, and there was ink running off the letters, but I figured that might just be due to the fact that the brush I used was damp when I started.
So, I wiped off the screen, fixed the holes in the glue, dried out the brushes, and then went away for a while (colored my hair, took a shower, watched some TV) while the new glue dried. Looked for holes in the glue when I came back (the glue is supposed to keep the parts you don't want colored from getting colored). No holes. Used a dry brush on another shirt from the rag bag. The ink would BARELY go through the screen. Ended up only partially colored (though the lines were better without the water).
But I am not going to attempt this at all on the shirts I bought. I would probably only end up with a few decent ones. I am going to have to call a silk screening place to find out what they would charge to just do the silk screening. I even already have the ink and the shirts. Just slap on the freaking design. Grr. It better not be much.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
I'm Tired, But I Did It...
I am finished with my 504 class, so I can focus on other things. I am really tired right now and feel a headache coming on. I'm still going to take a shower after writing this, though. I've earned it.
I also finished the scope and methodology section of my thesis today, got David to send all my graphics for the CD in to the replicator's FTP site, and worked on the song for a friend's movie. Everybody who's heard it so far seems to like it. I'll probably record a demo over the weekend.
I am hoping and praying that the CDs get here in time for the CD release party. Disc Makers has me worried what with getting different turnaround times everytime I talk to them. As it sits, I think that I am going to end up paying for overnight shipping on part of the CD order to make sure I have some CDs in time for the show. Here's hoping.
I also finished the scope and methodology section of my thesis today, got David to send all my graphics for the CD in to the replicator's FTP site, and worked on the song for a friend's movie. Everybody who's heard it so far seems to like it. I'll probably record a demo over the weekend.
I am hoping and praying that the CDs get here in time for the CD release party. Disc Makers has me worried what with getting different turnaround times everytime I talk to them. As it sits, I think that I am going to end up paying for overnight shipping on part of the CD order to make sure I have some CDs in time for the show. Here's hoping.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Show Went Well...
There were a lot of people there (about 100), and the crowd was receptive. We didn't play our most awesome show ever, but it wasn't our worst, either. Also, not using my own PA SUCKS ASS.
Made some contacts about playing weddings and more shows, and "You Suck More Than I Do" went over REALLY well. I knew it would. It's funny.
Made some contacts about playing weddings and more shows, and "You Suck More Than I Do" went over REALLY well. I knew it would. It's funny.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
Miscellaneous Stuff
So, Monday and Tuesday, I'll be working on my Literature Review for my thesis, Wednesday I'll be playing at a show in Spokane, Thursday and Friday of next week I'll working on my Lit Review again, as it is due next Saturday. In the meantime, somewhere in there, I have to keep up with this other class. I do know that it is over on March 4th, so that'll be a relief.
I have everything I need to send the CD off to the replicator, so I guess it is going out in the mail on Monday. Thirty working days later, I should have the CD. I guess we're looking at early-to-mid April for the CD release party, now.
I have everything I need to send the CD off to the replicator, so I guess it is going out in the mail on Monday. Thirty working days later, I should have the CD. I guess we're looking at early-to-mid April for the CD release party, now.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Been busy...
Oftentimes, my work feels an awful lot like I'm not doing anything. I know that's not the case, but I still can't help but feeling that I am incredibly lazy, and, more often than not, not as intelligent as I wish I was. Oh, well. I am being self-deprecating again.
Wednesday night, I stayed up working until 3 AM, and then got up at 8:30 AM in order to have time to get ready to go to Spokane and be at a meeting with a client by 11 AM. I made it, and the meeting only took about half an hour. After that, I went to the client's and picked up his files and got his DNS on the right path to propagating to his new host. After that, I went to my aunt's house and visited with her until it was time to go to class.
At class (the last one of the semester), they had a potluck, and I brought drinks, though nobody drank what I brought except for two people. (Well, and me.) I got my last paper back.
Afterward, I got home and started watch TV, but, around 12:30 AM, I was just exhausted, so I went to bed. The pain in my neck woke me up at about 6 AM, so I just got up, after trying to go back to sleep for 15 minutes without success. I then got about 90% of one client's content up, and made all the edits for another client's site and sent those off for approval. Then, I had to drive to a third client's place to take photos for his web site. I got home and tried to watch TV again, but kept trying to fall asleep again. I finally went to bed about midnight, and, once again, the pain in my neck woke me up about 6-ish, so I just got up.
So far today, I have written the beginnings of two songs and have copied the chord progression and lyrics for "Ave Maria," as I am kind of bored but the pain is preventing me from thinking; therefore, I can neither re-write my paper nor can I work ATM.
Wednesday night, I stayed up working until 3 AM, and then got up at 8:30 AM in order to have time to get ready to go to Spokane and be at a meeting with a client by 11 AM. I made it, and the meeting only took about half an hour. After that, I went to the client's and picked up his files and got his DNS on the right path to propagating to his new host. After that, I went to my aunt's house and visited with her until it was time to go to class.
At class (the last one of the semester), they had a potluck, and I brought drinks, though nobody drank what I brought except for two people. (Well, and me.) I got my last paper back.
Afterward, I got home and started watch TV, but, around 12:30 AM, I was just exhausted, so I went to bed. The pain in my neck woke me up at about 6 AM, so I just got up, after trying to go back to sleep for 15 minutes without success. I then got about 90% of one client's content up, and made all the edits for another client's site and sent those off for approval. Then, I had to drive to a third client's place to take photos for his web site. I got home and tried to watch TV again, but kept trying to fall asleep again. I finally went to bed about midnight, and, once again, the pain in my neck woke me up about 6-ish, so I just got up.
So far today, I have written the beginnings of two songs and have copied the chord progression and lyrics for "Ave Maria," as I am kind of bored but the pain is preventing me from thinking; therefore, I can neither re-write my paper nor can I work ATM.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Dear Yahoo!
In your inifinite wisdom, you've decided to leave a "Contact Us" link off your site entirely. It's no wonder you already have a crummy reputation for customer service, helping your customers and users, and even sending auto-responses that are least bit relevant. Indeed, I've not seen such a lack of caring about clients since I sent MySpace a complaint about their "Books" pages and got back an auto-response about blogs.
At any rate, I thought I would give you fair warning that users are about leave, en masse. Why, you might ask? Because you allow advertisers with dangerous content to posts ads on your site. Their ads crash browsers, cause computer resources to slow down, and would crash lesser systems, such as netbooks or older computing systems. Additionally, the freaking refresh on your Sports pages is asinine. There is no way to turn it off from any page with actual stats on them from the box scores, so, when the ads don't crash the browser (IE AND Firefox), the pages refresh to the point that actually reading something is a study in frustration.
It is because of these facts that I am leaving you, Yahoo! I don't want to, 'cause your instant messaging emoticons are awesome, and I like the concise news headlines that don't change 'til I click a button. I like your e-mail (except that you keep changing where the Log Out button is), but, alas, this is the last straw. No more looking at your blogs. No more e-mail. No more reading the news. And no more looking at your advertiser's ads... good or bad.
Wow. That might hurt the pocket book.
Well, yes. I am only one person. However, a person in my position (in the tech industry, a trusted technology person in my local community) who tells the average Internet user to avoid Yahoo because of their dangerous ads that might crash a computer system, well, let's just say that my sway is not inconsiderable, and things get around. Yeah, it might just be me, at first, but, before long, it could be a million people avoiding Yahoo. All because you don't screen your ads.
So, shame on you, Yahoo, for not having the proverbial testes to accept complaint mail or to say "no" to advertisers with dangerous, resource-consuming ads. I'd say I'd see you around, but, in a few months, I doubt I will.
One pissed off ol' computer user.
At any rate, I thought I would give you fair warning that users are about leave, en masse. Why, you might ask? Because you allow advertisers with dangerous content to posts ads on your site. Their ads crash browsers, cause computer resources to slow down, and would crash lesser systems, such as netbooks or older computing systems. Additionally, the freaking refresh on your Sports pages is asinine. There is no way to turn it off from any page with actual stats on them from the box scores, so, when the ads don't crash the browser (IE AND Firefox), the pages refresh to the point that actually reading something is a study in frustration.
It is because of these facts that I am leaving you, Yahoo! I don't want to, 'cause your instant messaging emoticons are awesome, and I like the concise news headlines that don't change 'til I click a button. I like your e-mail (except that you keep changing where the Log Out button is), but, alas, this is the last straw. No more looking at your blogs. No more e-mail. No more reading the news. And no more looking at your advertiser's ads... good or bad.
Wow. That might hurt the pocket book.
Well, yes. I am only one person. However, a person in my position (in the tech industry, a trusted technology person in my local community) who tells the average Internet user to avoid Yahoo because of their dangerous ads that might crash a computer system, well, let's just say that my sway is not inconsiderable, and things get around. Yeah, it might just be me, at first, but, before long, it could be a million people avoiding Yahoo. All because you don't screen your ads.
So, shame on you, Yahoo, for not having the proverbial testes to accept complaint mail or to say "no" to advertisers with dangerous, resource-consuming ads. I'd say I'd see you around, but, in a few months, I doubt I will.
One pissed off ol' computer user.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Real Briefly...
CD will probably go to the mastering place early this week (Monday or Tuesday, I think).
I have a 15-page paper due on Thursday. My topic sucks and I can't write about it with any degree of authority or confidence, so I need to choose another topic, research it, and write the 15-page paper by Wednesday night. Sheesh.
I have a 15-page paper due on Thursday. My topic sucks and I can't write about it with any degree of authority or confidence, so I need to choose another topic, research it, and write the 15-page paper by Wednesday night. Sheesh.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Got the mixdown from the engineer on Sunday. I have listened to it on 7 different players with headphones and without and in the car. I think there are five major changes overall, and we're good to go on this.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Clearing up The Ol' Schedule...
I finished all the work I can on a recording studio's site, on the machining site, on another recording studio's site, and on an Irish law site that I can until I get more information and/or feedback from each of them. In the meantime, I have to work out a quote for another client.
I got a sign for my business today. Four-foot by eight-foot sign that will go out front to advertise. I really feel like this will help bring in customers, though I do really wish my office was set up in the porch. However, that is not currently possible. Still, having a real office space would be really, really nice.
The tonsillitis appears to be clearing up.
I talked to the engineer the other night, and I hope to have a copy of the mixed tracks for the album by the end of the week. I really want to hear them, dissect them, and get this thing finished. I am still not decided about the CDs, though; still waffling on the black CD with vinyl coating versus a silver CD with a label silkscreened on that just looks like an old 45 RPM record. On the one hand, the vinyl coated ones will look freaking awesome and really professional; on the other hand, I am worried that they might not play, based on a black CD the kids had of a video game for the PS2. And I can't decide if it's worth the risk for the look.
I got a sign for my business today. Four-foot by eight-foot sign that will go out front to advertise. I really feel like this will help bring in customers, though I do really wish my office was set up in the porch. However, that is not currently possible. Still, having a real office space would be really, really nice.
The tonsillitis appears to be clearing up.
I talked to the engineer the other night, and I hope to have a copy of the mixed tracks for the album by the end of the week. I really want to hear them, dissect them, and get this thing finished. I am still not decided about the CDs, though; still waffling on the black CD with vinyl coating versus a silver CD with a label silkscreened on that just looks like an old 45 RPM record. On the one hand, the vinyl coated ones will look freaking awesome and really professional; on the other hand, I am worried that they might not play, based on a black CD the kids had of a video game for the PS2. And I can't decide if it's worth the risk for the look.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Feeling A Little Better...
I went to the doctor yesterday and got antibiotics for the tonsillitis. I took one pill yesterday, and, today, I woke up for the first time in a week without excruciating pain at the back of my throat. Swallowing has been difficult and extremely painful, but today, I'm not even taking pain pills to get through the day. I feel almost human.
So, I had a night to myself on Friday night and wrote a new song rather than working. I am not in love with this song; it's a little like having an ugly baby, I guess. It's not bad. It's just not as good as some of my other songs.
Saturday, we had band practice, and that actually went really well, despite my tonsillitis. I actually sang decently (even if I didn't have my normal range), and we all played well.
Sunday, I went out to the studio to mix the recording. We got there about 1PM and didn't leave until almost 10PM. But, we got the mixing done, and the record sounds pretty darned good (I'd say "awesome" but I didn't get a copy to make sure).
So, I had a night to myself on Friday night and wrote a new song rather than working. I am not in love with this song; it's a little like having an ugly baby, I guess. It's not bad. It's just not as good as some of my other songs.
Saturday, we had band practice, and that actually went really well, despite my tonsillitis. I actually sang decently (even if I didn't have my normal range), and we all played well.
Sunday, I went out to the studio to mix the recording. We got there about 1PM and didn't leave until almost 10PM. But, we got the mixing done, and the record sounds pretty darned good (I'd say "awesome" but I didn't get a copy to make sure).
Friday, November 6, 2009
So, I haven't felt any better over the last couple of days, and I still don't. I am burned out, wiped out, and just plain tired. Since I have been sick, I have been having trouble sleeping.
Yesterday, I went into Spokane and got the tracks the were processed at the other studio. I also signed the contract to perform at the Coeur d'Alene Resort on the 18th and 19th of December, and I went to class. On theway home, we dropped the CD with the autotuned vocals off with the engineer, and, on Sunday, I am going into to the first mixdown session. I am not holding my hand over my ass that it will be the only mixdown session, but I really, really, really, REALLY hope that it is. I am ready for this project to be done.
We have band practice tomorrow, then I'm in the studio Sunday, Steelers play on Monday, and then I have a metric shit load of work to do. At least the class in Spokane is canceled for next Thursday, so I, in effect, have an extra day this coming week.
Yesterday, I went into Spokane and got the tracks the were processed at the other studio. I also signed the contract to perform at the Coeur d'Alene Resort on the 18th and 19th of December, and I went to class. On theway home, we dropped the CD with the autotuned vocals off with the engineer, and, on Sunday, I am going into to the first mixdown session. I am not holding my hand over my ass that it will be the only mixdown session, but I really, really, really, REALLY hope that it is. I am ready for this project to be done.
We have band practice tomorrow, then I'm in the studio Sunday, Steelers play on Monday, and then I have a metric shit load of work to do. At least the class in Spokane is canceled for next Thursday, so I, in effect, have an extra day this coming week.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I banged my head REALLY hard tonight. I was cleaning up a bunch of papers on the floor that were just under the edge of the hanging shelves near my table. I raised up and smacked the top of my head but good. It hurt like the dickens for a long time. I saw stars. Kenny thinks I have a concussion.
Didn't do a shittin' thing today. Must rectify that presently.
Didn't do a shittin' thing today. Must rectify that presently.
Monday, November 2, 2009
I Am Not Feeling Well...
I wasn't feeling well yesterday when I woke up, either, but today, I feel even worse. Yesterday, I was having panic attacks, and today, my throat is sore, I have a mild fever, and I feel like my bones are hollow and filled with helium. I also feel a headache coming on.
Despite this, I have to work on the paper for school, start thinking about the next paper, read four articles and start preparing presentations for class in Spokane, work on content for four sites and prepare a quote for a fifth. There are other projects, too, but nothing that time consuming or pressing.
Despite this, I have to work on the paper for school, start thinking about the next paper, read four articles and start preparing presentations for class in Spokane, work on content for four sites and prepare a quote for a fifth. There are other projects, too, but nothing that time consuming or pressing.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Busy Stuff
Things are about to get really busy school-wise. I have to go over the first paper from my Spokane class and get that turned in before next Thursday, and then the second (and longer) paper will be due a couple weeks after that. This is a problem because I have NO FREAKING CLUE what I am going to write about or what method I am going to use to dissect it. I have to figure that out by next Thursday. Otherwise, I won't have enough time to put everything together before the paper is due. Additionally, I am scheduled to present a chapter from the textbook to the class and I haven't even read the chapter. I also have to prepare a presentation for the class from the other textbook. These last two things are due November 19th. Then, I have to present examples from the second project the following week. So, a lot of projects are coming due all of a sudden. Luckily, the class is over Dec. 5th.
In the meantime, I have to finish the web site for one client, do updates to another site, prepare a new quote for a third client as to his SEO, build another site for a fourth client, and talk to a couple of local businesses about web sites they've expressed interest in. I also have to write content for two other sites (sites 5 and 6, if you're counting). Le sigh.
In the meantime, I have to finish the web site for one client, do updates to another site, prepare a new quote for a third client as to his SEO, build another site for a fourth client, and talk to a couple of local businesses about web sites they've expressed interest in. I also have to write content for two other sites (sites 5 and 6, if you're counting). Le sigh.
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